Well today I had a check up to see how Miss
Caylee is doing. Well we are both GREAT and just growing right along schedule. I am 29 weeks and counting down the days till she is here. We are getting very excited. Her room is being worked on and we are picking out all her furniture and bedding and all the fun stuff that comes along with getting ready for a baby. I forgot that around this time in pregnancy what begins to hurt and just how uncomfortable I can become at times, but she is so worth every pain and discomfort.
Cooper is doing wonderful also. He is 11 months and we are getting ready for his First Birthday. I can not believe how fast this year has gone. I am so proud of him !! He is into everything. It has been fun seeing daily what he has learned to do and such. He can walk of course and he is saying mama,
dada, uh oh, bye bye. He can wave, blow kisses and give big big hugs and kisses and high fives. He is just a delight to watch grow. He is
learning some very funny facial expressions. I will hopefully soon post some of them. He is the joy of our lives !
Now to Adam and I ! We are both staying very busy and all. Adam is in Bryan right now working on a building and I am still working at the clinic, which it is becoming very busy since it is almost flu season. Other than that we are doing great and just getting ready for
Caylee to get here and trying to keep up with a very very mobile toddler.