Monday, February 23, 2009

Hey everyone ! I am just updating yall on Caylee and Cooper !!

Cooper is 14 months and just amazing ! He is running everywhere and getting very independent and into everything. He is talking up a storm, here are a few words he says.. Mama, daddy, milk, dog, baby, thank you, bye bye ( he waves also), door, ball, up. You can ask him where is eyes, nose, mouth, ears and belly button and he will point to them. He is just getting so big, my baby is not a baby anymore he is a toddler now ! It is so fun watching him learn new things and learning new words. He is ALL BOY !!

Caylee will be a month old on the 28, which I can't believe. At her 2 week check up she weighted 8 lbs 2 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. She is growing ! She is eating and sleeping very well still. She loves to be very very warm and still loves her bouncer and swing. She smiles now when you talk to her. She is very alert and looks around at everything, just like her big brother did. She is starting to move around more and just stretch out. I am loving being able to dress her in cute outfits and putting bows in her hair ! She has been so fun !!

I PROMISE I will get pictures loaded soon !!

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