Cooper is now 16 months. He is growing so fast. Cooper is talking up a storm. He now says mama, daddy, up, get down, uh oh, stinky, oh no, ball, dog, bye, Gi Gi, all gone, thank you, amen, ma ( milk ), he sings deep and wide, tries to snap his fingers, tries to do the movements to the itsy bitsy spider, waves bye bye to everyone, blows kisses, mocks everything that we do. He is such a joy to watch learn new things daily.
Caylee is about to be 3 months. She is moving more and more daily. She grabs at her feet, and grabs for things that are put in front of her. She smiles at you when you talk to her. She is getting her laugh and personality. She is rolling to her side now and I am pretty sure that she will be rolling over really soon. She still has her head full of beautiful brown hair. She is her mommy and daddy's pride and joy.
Adam and I are doing great. Adam is home for a while, traveling every now and then, but for the most part home. Thank goodness!! I miss my hubby when he is gone. We are enjoying being mommy and daddy to the two most beautiful kids!! We are really loving watching them grow. God has blessed us in so many ways!
cutie pies!! what does adam do?
He works in construction, he works for the trucking company called freightliner and he builds their dealerships and remodels. He is their construction supervisor. So where ever they need him he goes to over see the projects.
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