Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hey everyone !! Sorry it has been a while since I last blogged! Today my mom and I took both Cooper and Caylee to the Dr this morning for their check ups. Here are the stats on both !!

Cooper will be 16 months on April 7. He weights 23 lbs. He is talking up a storm, here are some of what he says, mommy,daddy, dog, baby, go, door, bye bye, up, milk (ma), Gigi ( Granny), uh oh, oh no, no, he copy's everything we do. He tries to snap his fingers, laughs when we laugh, makes the same gestures as we d0 when we make them. He is still in to all kinds of balls and going out side to play with his new puppy Bear. He is in to pushing buttons on everything that he can. Let me just sum him up in several words. He is a true TODDLER and ALL BOY !!!!

Caylee was 2 months on March 28. She is 10 lbs and 6 oz. She will smile at you when you talk to her, she laughs also. She can hold her head up really well now and she is trying to roll over. She is a wiggle worm, she moves constantly when she is a wake. She is starting to grab for things and she studies everything that she looks at. She is growing and getting more beautiful everyday!!

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